For SWCDs:

Hamilton SWCD Prairie Booklet and File Share Request
Hamilton County SWCD has written and designed a booklet entitled “Creating and Maintaining a Prairie: A Guide for Native Plantings in your Indiana Yard of any Size.” This publications was written with the intention of sharing it with other SWCDs who could adapt it for their use and save time and money in development of a quality print and online publication.  If you are interested in receiving a copy of the digital files review their guide and fill out the request form. 

NRCS documents regarding the role of Local Working Groups (LWG):
Attachment A LWG Letter to SWCD Chair
Attachment B LWG Sample Meeting Agenda
Attachment C LWG Survey Questions
Attachment D Resource Area summary of RC priorties
Attachment E Resource Concern Categories
Attachment F STC Letter on LWG to ISTC
IB 300-19-24 Role and Establishment of Local Working Groups

The Soil Health Nexus team

The North Central Region Soil Health Nexus is a university-led team dedicated to increasing access to research-based soil health knowledge, extension and resources. The team was created in 2015 with funding from the North Central Region Water Network.  The team is structured around research, extension and outreach, and resources and communications with representatives from all 12 North Central Region states. Soil Health Nexus Toolbox

Conservation of Natural Resources Webinar Portal

Find more resources for Districts on the Indiana Conservation Partnership website

Upper White River Watershed Cover Crop Program – information

10 Habits for Effective Conservation Planners (pdf) – Whether you’re a seasoned conservation planner or just starting, the 10 habits below have been shown to be most effective when planning with farmers and ranchers. (March 2019)

Grassland for Gamebirds & Songbirds Brochure (pdf brochure/June 2019)

Purdue Extension Publication entitled: Four Strategies to Improve Your Field’s Soil Health (August 2017)

National Conservation Planning Partnership (NCPP) Publication

Tips on Building an Effective Outreach and Education Campaign

Indiana Water Monitoring Council Resources available (April 2018)

Farmer Field Day Toolkit

Rent Green Fire: Aldo Leopold & A Land Ethic for our Time from IASWCD – just email us!

District Brochure – Standard (Text and photos cannot be changed; consider affixing a label to it.)

Conservation Development Resources: IASWCD’s list of funding opportunities.

Put Planning First! A resource from NRCS to help Districts work with producers to create a conservation plan.

Google Apps for Districts: An “Apps” account comes with useful tools like Google Calendar, Drive, Sites, etc. Email us to request one of these free accounts.

IASWCD Awards, such as Conservation Farmer of the Year, Supervisor of the Year, River Friendly Farmer, etc.

Envirothon is a competitive learning event for high school-aged students that tests the students’ knowledge of resources including soils, forestry, wildlife and current environmental issues.

NACD Poster Contest, for young students

Easy Steps Marketing Plan for Districts (PDF)
