Are you interested in enhancing and promoting conservation in your county?

Soil and Water Conservation Districts are governed by boards made up of local “supervisors” who work to promote the wise use, development, and conservation of our state’s soil, water, and related resources in ways that are relevant to their unique regions. Contact your local District to see how you can get involved!

Past board member Mike Starkey says:

“The benefits of being a supervisor besides the obvious of serving for the promotion of conservation sustainability, are that it is a tremendous opportunity to meet others that have a passion for conservation but also to educate others that are not aware of how they can be conservationists.  The general public have no idea that there are others like us that serve to conserve the soil and water that we all use.  When they become aware of that, we as supervisors are respected of not only who we are but what we do in serving in our community and state.”

Supervisors gain experience in:

  • Leadership experience
  • Involvement in local politics
  • Enhancing conservation locally
  • Connections to a nationwide network dedicated to improving the environment and quality of life for future generations
  • Conflict resolution experience
  • Human Resources experience
  • Budgeting and accounting experience
  • Provides non-farmers with connections to farmers – one of our board members says, “this has been useful in business for me!”
  • Credibility in the community by serving on a board
  • Satisfaction of bringing funding into your community

Contact your local District to see how you can get involved!
