We are governed by a democratic representation of Region Directors elected from each of eight counties throughout the state, plus an executive board. All of our board members are heavily involved in local, regional, and even national conservation leadership. Members in good standing are welcome to attend our board meetings.
Find your Region Director here.
IASWCD is a leadership member of the Indiana Conservation Partnership, a Gold-level member of the National Association of Conservation Districts, and highly engaged in state-level resource conservation work.
Executive Board Members
Jeff Baker, President
Warrick County
Marc Roberts, Vice President
Montgomery County
Mark Kingma, Treasurer
Jasper County
Sarah Delbecq, Secretary
DeKalb County
North-Northwest (N-NW)
Director: Kim Peterson, bkwpeterson@aol.com
Assistant Director: Brian Johnson, bjohnson4640@yahoo.com
North-Northeast (N-NE)
Director: Stan Moore, sdmoore4650@gmail.com
Assistant Director: Chris Matthys, cmatthys1977@gmail.com
South-Northwest (S-NW)
Director: Ethan Truax, ewtruax@gmail.com
Assistant Director: vacant
South-Northeast (S-NE)
Director: Troy Hattery, that60@earthlink.net
Assistant Director: Andy Ambriole, aambriole@frontier.com
North-Southwest (N-SW)
Director: Steve Crowe, croweequ@yahoo.com
Assistant Director: vacant
North-Southeast (N-SE)
Director: John Kruse, kruse@etczone.com
Assistant Director: Roger Wenning, rwenning@etczone.com
South-Southwest (S-SW)
Director: Tom Rudolph, tomrudolph@frontier.com
Assistant Director: Ray Chattin, chattin2265@gmail.com
South-Southeast (S-SE)
Director: PJ Chumley, pchumley08@yahoo.com
Assistant Director: RD Wathen
2024 Board Meetings & Minutes
January 9
February 9
March 15
May 17
June 21
August 30
September 27
November 15
December 13
Annual IASWCD Business Meeting with District Delegates: January 28, 2025