Soil and Water Conservation Districts, or SWCDs, are local government units that play a crucial role in managing and directing natural resource management programs. If you live in Indiana, you’re in luck! We have 92 Districts – one for each county. They collaborate with various local, regional, and state government bodies, private nonprofits, and educational institutions to offer top-notch conservation services to private landowners. Their goal? To encourage the wise use, development, and conservation of our state’s soil, water, and related resources, tailored to the unique needs of their local areas. Find your local District here.
What Makes SWCDs Special?
SWCDs are an integral part of the Indiana Code, deriving their powers from District Law. They play a unique and vital role in conservation and stewardship, offering soil and water conservation expertise and services to private landowners. With 96% of Indiana’s land privately owned, their work is crucial to maintaining the quality of life for Hoosiers.
Who’s Behind the Scenes?
Indiana Districts are deeply connected to their communities and are governed by a board of local representatives, known as “Supervisors,” who are passionate about land stewardship, soil health, and water quality. They are backed by the enthusiasm and involvement of over 450 volunteer conservationists statewide. Hoosiers have trusted their local Districts for over 70 years.
Quick Facts About SWCDs:
- SWCDs are subdivisions of state government under the Indiana State Department of Agriculture Division of Soil Conservation.
- SWCDs receive funding from a variety of sources, primarily Clean Water Indiana. You can view the amount and sources of conservation funding in each Indiana county.
- Each county’s District is led by a 5-member board of supervisors, comprising 3 elected and 2 appointed positions. SWCDs identify and address natural resource needs in their counties, working closely with local landowners and residents. You can get involved with your local District as a Supervisor, Associate Supervisor, or volunteer.
- Indiana’s 92 SWCDs fund and provide leadership for IASWCD, their state association. Incorporated as a 501(c)3 in 1968, the IASWCD operates from Indianapolis. It provides legislative leadership, and fundraising, development, and training opportunities to its districts.
Interested in learning more or getting involved? Contact your local District or IASWCD for more information!